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There are two ways of learning

  1. From your own experience.
  2. From other’s experiences. ( particularly those experiences that people shares with others )

So, if you want to learn about colors...

  1. Go ahead and experiment with colors and learn from your own experience.      —or—
  2. There are already theories in the public domain, which are experimented and shared by many knowledgeable people from their experiences.

It doesn’t matter whichever way you go you will reach the same destination.

Generally, there are two kinds of color theories largely followed by -

  1. Color wheel theory.
  2. RGB(red-green-blue) color theory.

Color wheel theory

  • Different colors have different characteristics.
  • The black color is the absence of all colors.
  • White color is the presence of all colors.
  • So if we want to know other colors then we have to go to the white one because all the colors are there.
  • In color wheel theory colors are divided into three parts for better understanding.    1. primary colors, 2. Secondary colors 3. tertiary colors.
  • Primary colors are the colors through which we develop other colors. Primary colors are the basic colors for the color wheel theory. And the primary colors are 1. red, 2. yellow, and 3. blue.
  • Secondary colors are born because of a mix of two primary colors.

Like Red + yellow = orange.

Red + blue = violet.

Blue + yellow = green.

So the secondary colors are 1. orange, 2. violet, 3. green.

  • Now also we can mix a primary color with a secondary color. with that tertiary colors are born.

Like, yellow + orange = yellow-orange.

Yellow + green = yellow-green.

Blue + green = blue-green.

Blue + violet = blue-violet.

Red + violet = red-violet.

Red + orange = red-orange.

So we have “6 tertiary colors” – 1. yellow-orange 2. yellow-green 3. blue-green 4. blue-violet  5. red-violet 6. red-orange.

  • And if we mix black and white we will get the grey color.
  • If we mix red, yellow, and blue then we get the black color. Red + yellow + blue = black. You can also mix complementary colors like blue and orange to get the black color. Blue + orange = black. Also if you want a rich black color you should mix blue and brown. Blue + brown = rich black.
  • If we mix red, green, and blue with an equal amount of all, we will get white color, red + green + blue = white.