What is editing..?

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Ans- Generally we can say editing is all about cutting, merging, and designing media or footage, according to our necessity.

         And as a result, we produce a sensible and valuable result.

Types of editing.....

  • Linear editing.
  • Non-linear editing.
  1. Linear editing –
  • Expert says In this editing process editing happens in a systematic way, where you arrange all your footage one by one sequentially, or in a linear process, because of that it’s called linear editing.
  • Because it doesn’t have that much freedom to edit your footage in whichever way you want unlike Non-linear editing, there are certain alertness and awareness needed when you are editing in a linear editing process.
  • In the linear editing process largely editing happens mechanically and physically. While in a non-linear editing process just because of one software all mechanical and physical approaches are descended dramatically.
  1. Non-linear editing –
  • Historically given information is saying it was started in the ’70s and developed along with the ’80s, ’90s, and so on.
  • When we say non-linear editing, we are talking about an editing process, where we use both hardware and software to get the appropriate result, whatever we need and whichever way we need.
  • In the 21st century largely we (modern editors) are using non-linear editing processes, And according to your budget, you can construct your editing setup, because there are many and many more options to go through.

It’s not that people don’t exist who loves to edit with the linear editing process. Everybody has their own taste and interest.

But here we are going to discuss only and only, editing with a non-linear editing process.

Some basic and important steps need to know


There are some basic and important steps that need to follow for an editor, to avoid any mistakes or inappropriate editing.

  1. Know your editing needs clearly first.
  2. Build your PC( hardware combination of many things to fulfill your editing needs) by yourself or buy it with the help of an expert/from the shop, after that buy every needy thing (like monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.), organize them the way they can help you with editing,  and enhance your editing experience.
  3. Choose one software that you love to and you can afford to for your editing setup.
  4. Learn every option of that software and learn to use them according to your needs.
  5. Arrange all footage in a systematic way, so that it could give more clarity to you while editing. With this approach, you will free from the trap of confusion and will enhance your editing experience. (arrangements could happen within your hard drive or within your editing software).
  6. Educate yourself with all the export options, because there is you can control over your final result.
  7. After select the options that are needed before export, check them again, and do export to get the final result.

Connecting with audiance

 As we know every form of expression and creativity of any professional field, that is related to filmmaking, understands the value of two sense organs 1. Eyes, 2. Ears. All the professional fields related to filmmaking either connected with how it should look? or how it should sound? or both.

When we are talking about editing we should go for both- how it should look? and how it should sound as well.

Because of these two senses organs, the audience connects with the film, receives and gathers the various experiences of life as well.

So when it comes to editing, we have to do work which should lead to creating the media or film visually and sound-wise great, impactful, and valuable for that particular shot or scene or the situation or the genre, so that it will connect to the audience, and the audience will experience all those through their two sense organs which are eyes and ears of course.  

Creating visually impactful media through editing-

  • Cutting
  • Merging
  • Designing
  • Video Transitions
  • Graphics
  • Color correction
  • Color grading

Creating impactful sounds through editing-

  • Cutting
  • Merging
  • Audio editing and designing
  • Audio transitions
  • Audio matching with video