How does a writer create a story?

Create a Story
  • When it comes to the non-fictional way of story form we don’t need to create that because it’s a factual event. So the story is already there.
  • In a fictional way of story form, we need to create situations and characters, through combine all the situations and connect with them with different characters, a writer does create a story.
  • The situations that are created by a writer is the amalgamation of his/her own life experiences and the imaginations.

    Yes, your imaginations are very much involved within your experience of life because you can’t imagine something which is not in your experience yet, imagination is just a great possibility to enhance your life experience mentally (+vely or –vely that’s up to you). Sounds confusing, doesn’t it ?

  • Ok, let’s understand first the life experiences of a writer- a writer doesn’t have any kind of different life experiences as compared to other human beings.

    Same peacefulness, anger, sadness, fear, happiness, stress, etc, everything is as same as others.

    The only thing that makes everybody different is perception.

    The quality of our life experience determines the quality of our perception and the way we perceive based on that we imagine.

  • We gather our life experiences and perceive anything through five sense organs ( eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin ), and four ways of activities(physical activity, mental activity, emotional activity, and energy-based activity), with these, whatever we perceive or life experiences gather based on that we imagine.
  • And the way a writer perceives and imagine, those perceptions and imaginations finds different expressions of stories, doesn’t it ?
  • Like we all are different from each other physically and mentally, likewise, all of our perceptions are different from each other, when perception is different our imagination has to be different from each other.
  • Because of that every human being perceives in a different way, imagines in a different way, and of course expresses our perceptions and imaginations are also will be found in different ways.

    So does a story writer also perceive and imagine in his/her own way, and those perceptions and imaginations find an expression of story form which is different from others. (not in every way but in many ways ).

  • Perceptions could be similar some time but definitely not the same. Though perception is different from each other we can divide our perceptions into two parts – 1. Truthful perception ( conscious perception ) 2. Untruthful perceptions( unconscious perception ).

    By the way, our perceptions are determined by our choice of life experiences also by our nature. ( choice of life experiences means we consciously or unconsciously choose which way to go, like frustration or peace which life experience you want, you choose it either consciously or unconsciously, and naturally means you have some natural quality though if you wish you can change your nature according to your necessity, we will discuss human nature impacts to our story later).

  • For now,

    The natural state that you are in with in yourself right now you perceive things based on that, and your imagination will find its quality and flavor based upon your natural state and your perception. The natural state that you are in right now you express your self based on that and your actions/behaviors are the consequences of that natural state of yours.

    This is the simplest explanation of how human nature impacts human life in many different ways, or combined all together how it finds its way through our actions.

    When the very natural state of your experience changes the very way of perceive things, imagine things, and your actions all will be naturally changed.

    Means if you are angry right now you can’t perceive/imagine things peacefully, neither you can act peacefully, because your natural state of experience/experience of life is not at all in a  peaceful state.

    Though both experience of life exists with in you but both has its own world by it self, both leads to complete different way of life, one leads to destruction, another leads to creation, which way you want to go choice is always yours.

  • Now, about creating a story with words and sentences – we already know words come from our perception towards anything and our own life experiences, so if the perception can be divided into two parts then words are also can be divided into two parts, 1. Truthful words, 2. Untruthful words.

    It’s confusing until you see the examples within a story. Don’t worry it will be given.

  • A sentence is the combination of words in a sensible way off course, but what makes those sentences meaningful and valuable for the situation that you are creating is the combination of meaningful and valuable words.

    And what makes the story meaningful and valuable is – the meaningful and valuable words and sentences according to the situations. It feels like a pain in the head, doesn’t it ?

  • As a writer choosing words and decorate them to build a story is a great responsibility, because every word that you’re writing are going to create an impact to the readers, so as a writer it’s your duty that every word has to be and must in such a way so that when a reader read it, it creates an impact to the reader for enhance the quality of their life rather than diminish the quality of their life.

    Don’t forget to be truthful at any cost, what is meaningful and valuable for each and every writer could be debatable, but trying to make an impact in a truthful way can’t be debatable. Actually it doesn’t need to.

  • There are only five ways to represent truth or anyone’s truthfulness 1. In a beautiful way. 2. In a more beautiful way. 3. In a bitter way. 4. In an ugly way. 5. In an uglier way. And what is beautiful, bitter and ugly could be subjective for different writers.

  • Though the representation of the truthfulness could be beautiful or could be ugly according to our perception of course, because the representation of something is always subjective. But Truthfulness is always beautiful for you and the people around you.

  • If you’re an Indian and a writer or any way related to theater or film making, you might have heard about “Natyashastra or Rasa theory”. Based upon this you can create a story and film.
  • Writers, poets, theatrical artists, music directors, singers, dancers and filmmakers of India very much know the value of “Natyashastra and Rasa theory” and they use it according to their necessity.