Excellent Film making basics in a shortest format


Want to know about film making in a shortest way possible, then here are some of the excellent film making basics in a shortest format possible.

Film making-An artistic and creative way of living


Film making-An artistic and creative way of living

Film making-A professional way of living


A professional way of living in film making demands proper economical management, creative and artistic approach, responsible behavior and you devoted to what you are doing.

Film making-A process of creating illusions

FILM MAKING-Process of creating illusions

Film making is a process of creating illusions in a realistic way that it seems real, want to know what this is and how all this happens ?

Basics of film making-A journey from story to editing

basics of film making

What is film ? What is Making ? What is Film making and so on…

Pre-production process-preparations for shooting

Pre production process

Every pre planning before shooting happens here how and what are the importance thing to look at, what they really are and why are they so important for film making, all things will be tried to point here. 

Film making and Health


Without a proper health condition( physical, mental and emotional health condition) Film making can’t possible, without a proper nourishment  health can’t possible, without soil/mother earth proper nourishment can’t possible to live a healthy life.