Approx. Reading Time – 10 min.

Genre Theory

Genre theory- if you never heard of this terminology, you might wonder what is that? genre is a term largely used in the entertainment industry, anything that gives you a certain kind of vibes or feelings generally considered as a particular type of genre. It relates to different concepts and situations, and the theory related to it called genre theory.

Note 1 – whatever you’ll read, if somewhere you feel I shouldn’t have made fun of these things, then believe me you’re right. The approach is not to make fun of anything, not at all, because it’s all about film making, I find I have to cover and express as many things as I can in a relatable and sensible manner to make it understandable for the reader. If unknowingly I hurt your feelings in any sense, accept my apologies in advance.

Note 2 –  life contains everything, so since now you’re here you will read both sides of life, good-bad, beautiful-ugly, right-wrong, truth-untruth like this, it simply means though life is one, still we perceive the physical reality in a comparable manner, because of that you’ll get both sides of life, maybe somewhere you find the language or expression is cruel. If it’s in any way hurt you then I would like to apologize for that. My intentions are not to hurt you but to express any form of life to the best that I can. 

Steps of learning in Genre theory

What is genre theory ?

Genre theory
Genre theory
Genre theory
Genre theory

Ans-Genre theory is an expression and a representation of different kinds of concepts, ideas, and situations.

What are the different kinds of concepts, ideas and situations ?

War, crime, thriller, mystery, horror, action, fantasy, family, adventure, comedy, sci-fi, mythological, history, romance, documentary etc..

Explanations of genre theory

Let’s start with an interesting one called “crime”.

Q. What kind of crime?

Let’s move further, and start with an even more interesting one called “murder”.

  • Murder doesn’t mean – I have to kill you and you have to kill me, or I will kill you and you will kill me, it will be fun, let’s do it kind of thing.

This means it’s not a playing thing. It’s like prey and predator kind of thing, between human beings ( in an illegal or unnatural way off course ) .

The predator always wants to hunt its prey and the prey always wants to save its life.

It means someone has to be a victim of murder and someone has to be a murderer.

It means in some way someone forcefully finished someone’s life unnecessarily/illegally. Then you can call it, it’s a murder.

  • Note: If one human being randomly/illegally killed another human being, we call that murder, and when a human being(a responsible police officer) killed a murderer, we call that encounter.

Because murder is a crime, various laws are made for these kinds of criminal activities.


[Laws are made for maintaining stability within the society, and making a valuable society for living.

And laws are largely for human beings because we made these and we are the ones who understand these.

Fortunately/unfortunately laws are not made for other creatures. (fortunately for human beings, unfortunately for other creatures, means if a human being killed a human being, he/she get punished, but if a human being killed other creature there is no punishment or less punishment exists as compare to punishment for killing a human being [ some strictly laws needed ] , neither there is a law if you get poisoned and died because of a cobra, give him/her death sentence [ I don’t think we even need that]

Suppose there is a law, if you kill an ant, you will be hanged till death.

If this would have had the law believe me population explosion wouldn’t have been a problem.

Even judges, judiciary, and lawyers would have been in a problematic situation.

Ok, let’s stop, enough crime happened. Enough is enough…..]

I find genre of crime but didn’t find genre of bravery ( please correct me if I am wrong ).

off course killing happened from both sides but there is a difference between warrior and a murderer/killer.

warriors protects others, and stops the killers to kill innocent people. killers feels brave after killing innocent people.

warriors genre could be inspirational for next generation, they will learn how to face tough situations?


Now if genre theory is about concepts and situations,

Q. What is the concept and situation behind “crime genre” ?

The concept is every inhuman activity for human society comes under the crime genre.

If any human activities are not valuable for human society or being a threat to human society, then these kinds of situations belong to the crime genre.

Now after learning the interesting one let’s move to the ecstatic one called “horror”.

Q. Now, what is horror ?

Ans- It’s a very human-friendly genre, if you’re feeling lonely watch a horror genre movie, after that you won’t.

First, you will feel someone is outside of your house, then after some time, you will feel someone is inside of your house, if that’s not enough after some time you may feel someone inside your bedroom-then under the bed-then inside the blanket- the best part of this development is after some time you will feel someone is inside within you.

So if you have a question like what should I do when I feel lonely?

The simplest and straight answer would be to watch a horror movie.

That’s not the only benefit it has. You will realize suddenly the quality of your sense organs are enhanced so dramatically that you can’t believe it. Particularly in your ears, you can hear a pin dropped as a bomb dropped.

Anyway, enough stupidity happened let’s come to the topic.

Horror is the genre that gives us feelings of fearfulness, not just only in movies, it has a straight connection with our real-life because the experience of fear we experienced in many ways in our life, it exists within us. Movies are just a drop from the ocean.


[ fear is just the absence of peacefulness, once you experience peacefulness, you’ll become fear-free, it’s not about fearless, it’s about fear-free, free from your fear, like the fire has its own strength until it faces the water, fear, anger, arrogance has their own strength until they face peacefulness, both sides and qualities exist within us. ]

Q. Now, what is the concept and situation behind the “horror genre” ?

The concept is it will give a fearful experience to the audience.

And the situation needs to be creepy, at least we understand and expect that kind of fearful atmosphere would be there.

Q. Now, What is “drama” genre ?

Once a married man said if you don’t know what drama is, do marry you will know very clearly.

Now he is in coma, only thing that we can do for him is “pray”.

Now may be you are wondering, what happened?

Well drama genre turns in to horror genre, that’s what happened.

Warning – don’t take this kind of risk in your life, all risks can be taken by experts like this brave man, and the consequences are, sky is the limit. 

Ok again enough stupidity happened, let’s come to the point.

“Expectation and misunderstanding are the root cause for any kind of drama.”

Drama means situations are in a conflicting mode, situation changes and takes completely different or new form just with in a second or along with time.

All the conflicting situations are belongs to drama genre.

Enough negativity happened now let’s come to two positive one called “Love Genre and Romance Genre“.

Q. So what is Love Genre and Romance Genre ?

I am sure you are happy now, at least to some extent.

Now, I don’t think you ever heard about love genre, romance genre you might have heard but love genre I don’t think so.

So, if it’s not in the genre list, why I am mentioning it ?, should I just invented a new genre ? Nope, that’s not the case, I personally think before you went to step 2 you should know step 1 first. Without knowing love trying to understand romance is like without knowing about the tree you are trying to understand the leaf, you’ll get some knowledge of course, but you’ll completely miss the most important part of it.

Now, love can only be known or realised because it’s a feelings, once you feel it you can easily understand it because you can relate to it, while romance is just a part of it like a leaf is part of a tree.

Now why should I tagged it with genre theory?

Because before you know about the leaf if you know the tree you’ll very easily get to know about the leaf.

Q. Now let’s come to what is “love” genre?

It’s the sweetest and most beautiful feelings we can experience in our life.

This experience of life could be generated because of certain outside atmosphere, or it doesn’t matter whatever the outside is the beautiful feelings within you never goes away or never affected by an outside atmosphere, like a child. With this feelings the consequence is – your playfulness find its best expressions through your action.

Love neither belongs to any particular age group nor to any particular relationship; it existentially exists just about everywhere. Wherever sweetness of life exists love exists, and wherever love exists life exists.

Love for your parent ( even if more often they slapped you with a slipper ), love for your brothers and sisters, love for your friends( even if more often they tried to insult you in every possible way ), love for your lover/lovers or wife/wives ( you can take it whichever way it’s comfortable for you ), love for the society, love for the world or fall in love with the entire cosmos. Every stage the intensity of love has its own value, own importance and own sweetness ( the intensity you don’t have to measure it, you just have to realise it).

Love leads to more and more intense along with time and become devotion or sadness ( if you just had a break up, that is also included ).

Q. Now What is “romance” Genre ?

In a romantic mood everything feels ecstatically beautiful.

Experience holder says when you are in romantic mood it feels like flowers are blossoming for you, birds are singing for you, clouds are raining for you, colourful butterflies are flying for you, angels are flowering on you, like this ..

But what if you are in a romantic mood, natural ambiance is very much supportive for you, with this you are thinking all the beautiful stuff and walking on a street and then the street dogs growls at you, that’s not enough, what if they runs towards you?, just asking, you don’t have to take it seriously( It is just an imagination; it has nothing to do with reality. ), and I have no intention to kill the romantic atmosphere in any sense, believe me.  

Romance is just a part of love, it does not express the entire form of love though love can be expressed romantically. Romance doesn’t express the entire form of love means if you are not romantically involved that doesn’t mean you don’t love them. Your dog loves you that doesn’t mean he/she has a romantic duet on the top of the mountain with you ( no, don’t push your imagination too far, it’s just an example for understanding ).

Romance is a deep, intimate and intensely sweet connection between a couple or two lovers and love is the thread which always holds these two different flower as one. Both have their own value and characteristics, still they connects as one it doesn’t matter physically how far away they are from each other, if love is there they will still be connected.

Romance without love is like a river without water, a leaf without a tree, a body without aliveness. It exists but loses its real value.

The impact of a romantic mood is it can make a normal human being in to a poet or mad( I mean wildly mad).

Questions and Answers.

It ( film making ) can be only for entertainment, but in my views it should be for both entertainment and education, again, it can be for specific age group but in my views it should be for all age group.

Because all the explanation here is just my own view towards film making, you may or may not want this kind of explanation, if you want to see other form of explanation when it comes to film making then there are four platforms where you might love to learn about film making.

These four platforms are

 1.Youtube ( Completely Free ).

 2. Film making Books.

 3. Udemi online courses ( Paid Courses ).

 4. Skillshare online courses ( Paid Courses ).

Well, doing business properly also is an artistic approach, every action that we perform has a certain artistic approach attached to it, how much mature and skillful we are is the only question ? As we all know maturity and skillfulness comes with our own experiences.

Though film making is an artistic platform it also needs an proper economical management to work seamlessly with so many artistic people and leadership. Art definitely comes first but economical needs and management can not be ignored.

So if film making is an artistic platform then business is also an artistic platform, I don’t find both can be conflicting with each other until and unless they are against human well being.

If your wealth means money then answer is definitely yes. Simply because it is also related with the business platform, so your expectation related to money would be there too. But where does that money comes from ? From the society or from the audience lives with in the society who watches your movies, right ?

If your film making contribute to the society for human well being then it will make the entire society to become prosperous and wealthy not only you or your film making, the only concern is, to make a film you need money, to recover that you also need to generate money after release it, though there is always a possibility of profit or loss.

If we look at it an another view I think the real wealth is exist with in you and that wealth is the real and honest artistic nature that you have, if you miss that in the name of wealth you only have money but with the cost of losing the real wealth.

It is like you will get a gold plate at the cost of losing your senses, now how worthwhile that deal will be you can use your common sense. Money adds certain sweetness or headache to your way of living that’s for sure ( depends upon your way of usage and living ).

If you use money to increase sweetness to your life it helps also if you use to increase headache still it helps as money does not have discriminatory power, the way you use it, it increases the quality of it that’s it, not just the way you use it but also the way you are choosing to have it also determines the quality of your life or the standard of your living.

Story, Screenplay writing, Story boarding, Film production company, Direction, Characterizations ( Actor and Actresses ), Cinematography, Light and Sound, Costumes and Make-ups, Action direction/choreography, Music and background score direction, Singing, Dance direction/choreography, Dancing, Foley artists, VFX ( visual effects ) and SFX ( sound effects ), Editing.

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