Approx. Reading Time – 10 min.

Raw truth of life - You are the solution

Problem exists only because of unable to handle our survival process in a balanced way and expecting everything based upon our understanding of good or bad, if that’s the problem then what is the solution ? The very “Raw truth of life” is you by yourself is the solution.

If problems exist in your life ( considering survival issues are problems ) then “you are the solution”, you have to be, because there is no one else there who has the clarity of your life as you have/you should have. If you forget “you are the solution” for your life then you just create the biggest problem in your life, for that congratulation and good luck to you too.

raw truth of life - you are the solution

Steps to know you are the solution

Before know Raw truth of life let's try to know what is "Life" and what is "Truth" ?

“Life”, what is really life ?

Is it you or is it me ? Or is it you and me combine together ? Or is it something else that which is beyond you and me but still always with us ?

Is it birth or is it death or a specific period of time between our birth and death, or something beyond that ?

Is it all about physical creation or all about non-physical dimension of existence that might not be in our experience yet, or something beyond that ? 

Is it the beginning or is it the end or both, or is it the beginning of the beginning or is it the end of the end or both, or is it something beyond that ?

Yes it is you also it is me still much more beyond than you and me.

Yes it is birth and death also a specific period of time between birth and death still much more beyond than that.

Yes it includes every physical and non physical dimension of creation exists in the existence still beyond than that.

Yes it is the beginning also it is the end also beginning of the beginning and end of the end.

Life is the very source of any beginning of the beginning, and nothingness of end of the end. aliveness is just to live the intensity of life from beginning to end.

It is like “soil”, everything starts from here and ends on here. in between there is an intense aliveness exist. in our life we as human beings very much of capable to experience and live to that intensity of life .

Life is nothing at the same time it is everything.

The simple difference is when nothing is there life still exists, if I have to explain that in words, a nothingness or completely formlessness space of life, when we say everything means both physical creation and the formlessness space of life.

Because there is nothingness some physical creation is possible other wise it will not.

So we can say every physical creation exists because of the nothingness and formlessness.

The nothingness and formlessness is the life. the very source of everything.

The starting and the very finishing point of every physical creation is just a part of life.

All of it comes from life and it will go back to the same life including you and me.

Life comes from life, and ends with in the space of life nothing beyond can happen.

Life changes its one form to another and again another to another. like our body changes from birth to childhood, childhood to teen age, teen age to adult hood, adult hood to old age and old age to death.

These changes are seamless, continuous and natural off course.

Now what is “Truth” ?

Well, life is truth and truth is life, two different word and two different way of perception. many other name we refer to the same thing are god, source of creation and so on.

Like life can be divided as the very source of everything and the physical creation  of the existence, same truth can also be divided as two parts one is source of everything another is material and physical aspects of truth also called as facts.

Now, Before know "You are the solution" let's try to know "who are you" ?

So who are you ?

Are you just another creature who is here to somehow survive or wise enough to organize your survival process to go beyond than that ?

What is that beyond ? More importantly is there any beyond than our survival ? even if there is something beyond than survival are you capable enough to go beyond than that ?

Now do you feel fulfilled enough after your survival process get organized ? If yes then what is the difference between other creatures and you. They looks and live differently, you cook and eat they don’t, you married and plan for family they don’t. Really are these are the differences ?

Why do you need more money even if what you have is more than enough for your survival ? Why do you need a house when you have jungle naturally ?

Is this the intelligence that’s makes us different from others ? Even if yes, are you still get fulfilled after using your intelligence for what you want ?

If you do not get fulfilled even after your survival process get organized as you like, then definitely there is something beyond than your survival must exist. 

So what is that beyond, answer is clear and simple, life off course, the very source of everything ?

So now again who are you ?

Are you just the body or something beyond than that which is life by it self ?

If you are just the body you might miss the life but if you are the life then you can’t miss the body.

Because body is a part of life but life is not part of a body, like a tree is a part of the soil, a leaf is a part of the tree not vice versa.

Now if the question is are we ( human beings ) capable enough to go beyond than our survival process of life ?

Answer is straight and clear yes, How, simply because we have blessed by mother nature with something that no other creature has. That is the freedom of choice.

Because of this freedom we can choose which way we want to live, actually every steps of our life is because of our choice of life including reading this blog is also is your choice, further want to read or not is also your choice.

Freedom of choice though its seems a great advantage for us the disadvantage is you always may have many ways but you can only choose one, if you have choose one means you have to loose other ways.

Now either you can choose consciously or unconsciously( which is also a choice for you ), every choice that you will make also leads to a consequence.

Like if you choose to open your eyes the consequence is you can see what is there, if you choose close your eyes the consequence is you can’t see what is there, you can’t choose both at once neither you can exist with out doing any of those( don’t try to wink to prove this wrong ).

Now let’s dive in to both you as a body and you as life it self.

When you say you as the body the entire survival process of your life comes with in it. 

The way you use your time and energy/energies, based on that you create your entire survival process of life.

more coming soon……